Environment Flowers

बस यूँही………

A recurring and unexpected bounty of refreshing showers virtually every single day since the last few weeks has greened the mountains and perked up the flowers.
Each of the flowers does look sublime.
Every  beautiful body does look so much more attractive when just out of a shower, the rain drops clinging to the beauteous bodies, scurrying away only reluctantly.

By abchandorkar

Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Pune, India

12 replies on “बस यूँही………”

सही है एकहि पेडपर खिलनेवाले फूलभी अपनी अलग पहचान दिखाते है ।

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रंगारंगांची दुनिया न्यारी,
निसर्गाची किमया सारी!
सौंदर्य स्वतःचे न्याहाळीता,
पर्जन्य वरूनि वृष्टी करी!
चैतन्य वसे चराचरी,
हरी सर्वत्र वास करी!
दृष्टीस थोडे विशाल करिता,
आनंदाचा डोह तुडुंब भरी!

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